Deformation theory is the
appropriate tool for describing the irreducible components of the scheme Algn which
parametrizes the structures of n-dimensional associative algebras with unit. Each
component is “dominated” by one generic or quasi-generic algebra or family of
algebras (genericity means that the algebra or the family has only trivial infinitesimal
deformations, and quasi-genericity means that the algebra or the family has
non trivial infinitesimal deformations, but no algebraic deformation). The
components dominated by a generic algebra (or family) are reduced, while
the components dominated by a quasi-generic family are non reduced. The
invariants we use for that classification are the basis-graph, both weighted
and unweighted, of an associative algebra. In this paper, we classify the
8-dimensional algebras with mixed basis-graph and give lower bounds for the
numbers of irreducible components of the scheme Alg8, reduced and non