Vol. 164, No. 2, 1994

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One-parameter fixed point indices

Donco Dimovski

Vol. 164 (1994), No. 2, 263–297

Let F : X × I X be a PL homotopy, where X is a compact connected PL n-dimensional manifold, in the euclidean space n, n 4, and let P : X ×I X be the projection. A fixed point of F is a point (x,t) X ×I such that F(x,t) = x. The set of all the fixed points of F is denoted by Fix(F). For a family V of isolated circles of fixed points of F we define two indices: ind1(F,V )—which is an element in the first homology group H1(E), where E is the space of paths in X ×I ×X from the graph of F to the graph of P; and ind2(F,V )—which is an element in the group 2 with two elements. We prove that there is a compact neighborhood N of V and a homotopy from F to H relX × IN such that Fix(H) = Fix(F)V if and only if ind1(V,F) = 0 and ind2(V,F) = 0. The indices ind1(V,f) and ind2(V,F) are defined via the degrees, deg 1(g) and deg 2(g), for maps g : S1 × Sm Sm. Moreover, we show how to modify F to create circles of fixed points with prescribed indices.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55M20
Secondary: 57Q35
Received: 12 March 1992
Revised: 20 November 1992
Published: 1 June 1994
Donco Dimovski