Vol. 165, No. 1, 1994

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On closed hypersurfaces of constant scalar curvatures and mean curvatures in Sn+1

Shaoping Chang

Vol. 165 (1994), No. 1, 67–76

We consider in this note the following question: given a closed Riemann n-manifold of constant scalar curvature, how can it be minimally immersed in the round (n + 1)-sphere? Our main result states that the immersion has to be isoparametric if the number of its distinct principal curvatures is three identically. This provides another piece of supporting evidence to a conjecture of Chern.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53C40
Secondary: 53C42
Received: 2 June 1992
Published: 1 September 1994
Shaoping Chang