Vol. 165, No. 1, 1994

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Strongly approximately transitive group actions, the Choquet-Deny theorem, and polynomial growth

Wojciech Jaworski

Vol. 165 (1994), No. 1, 115–129

Let G be a group. A Borel G-space 𝒳 with a σ-finite quasiinvariant measure α is called strongly approximately transitive (SAT) if there exists an absolutely continuous probability measure ν such that the closed convex hull co() of the orbit coincides with the space of absolutely continuous probability measures on 𝒳. Call a G-space (𝒳) purely atomic if α is purely atomic. Boundaries of stationary random walks on countable G are always SAT and provide many examples of nonatomic SAT actions. The class of nonatomic SAT G-spaces also includes certain homogeneous spaces of locally compact groups. Every countable nonamenable group and also some amenable groups admit nonatomic SAT actions. However, if G contains a countable nilpotent subgroup of finite index then every SAT G-space is necessarily purely atomic. This implies the Choquet-Deny theorem for such groups. Existence of nonatomic SAT actions is related to growth conditions. A finitely generated solvable group has polynomial growth if and only if it does not admit nonatomic SAT actions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22D40
Secondary: 60B15, 60J50
Received: 27 May 1992
Revised: 5 November 1992
Published: 1 September 1994
Wojciech Jaworski