Vol. 166, No. 1, 1994

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Eigenvalue bounds and girths of graphs of finite, upper half-planes

Nancy Jeanne Celniker

Vol. 166 (1994), No. 1, 1–21

For each odd prime power q = pr we will investigate q 2 different Cayley graphs called finite, upper half planes over Fq. We define a finite, upper half-plane by

          √ -
Hq = {x +y  d|x,y ∈ Fq,y ⁄= 0}

where Fq is the finite field with q elements and d is not a square in Fq. We define a distance k between points z and w Hq by

k(z,w) =--N-(z-−-w)-
(Imz )(Imw )

where Nz = zz and z = x y√ -
d and Re z = x and Imz = y. We define a graph, Xq(d,a), by letting the elements of Hq be the vertices of the graph and defining an edge between z and w where k(z,w) = a for a fixed a Fq −{0}. We consider the origin to be the point √-
d. We call Hq(d,a), the finite upper half-plane depending on a fixed a and d. We first concern ourselves with whether the eigenvalues, λ, of the adjacency matrices of the graphs satisfy the Ramanujan bound |λ|≤√ -
q. Since the graphs are of degree q + 1, the paper shows a method to use the representations for the additive and multiplicative groups of each Fq to find the smaller associated isospectral matrices. We then find the eigenvalues of the isospectral matrices. A computer program has verified the Ramanujan bound for most of the graphs up to the prime power 35. We next concern ourselves with the girth of the graphs. This paper shows that the girths are either 3 or 4 and shows that the girth is 3 if a = 2d and q 3(mod4) or if a and a 3d are squares in Fq. The girth is 4 if a = 2d and q 1(mod4).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 05C50
Secondary: 11T99
Received: 20 June 1991
Revised: 11 September 1993
Accepted: 11 April 1994
Published: 1 November 1994
Nancy Jeanne Celniker