Vol. 166, No. 1, 1994

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The distribution mod n of fractions with bounded partial quotients

Douglas Austin Hensley

Vol. 166 (1994), No. 1, 43–54

Given a reduced fraction c∕d with 0 < c < d, there is a unique continued fraction expansion of c∕d as [0;a1,a2,ar] with r 1, 0 aj for 1 j r, and ar 2. For fixed positive integer n, the asymptotic distribution of the pair (c,d) mod n among the n2 p|n(1 1∕p2) possible pairs of congruence classes is uniform when averaged over the set Q(x) := {(c,d) : 0 < c < d x,gcd(c,d) = 1} as x →∞. The main result is that if attention is restricted to the (rather thin) subset Qm(x) of relatively prime pairs (c,d) so that all the continued fraction convergents aj m, the same equidistribution holds. As a corollary, the relative frequency, both in Q(x) and in Qm(x) for any fixed m > 1, of reduced fractions (c,d) so that d b mod n, is asymptotic to n1 p| gcd(b,n)(1 p1) q|n(1 q2)1. These results lend further heuristic support to Zaremba’s conjecture, which in this terminology reads that for some m (perhaps even m = 2) the set of denominators d occurring in Qm(x) includes all but finitely many natural numbers. The proofs proceed from some recent estimates for the asymptotic size of Qm(x). Thereafter, the argument is combinatorial.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11K50
Secondary: 11A55
Received: 11 October 1991
Accepted: 4 October 1993
Published: 1 November 1994
Douglas Austin Hensley