Vol. 166, No. 2, 1994

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Periodicity, genera and Alexander polynomials of knots

Swatee Naik

Vol. 166 (1994), No. 2, 357–371

For knots in S3 criteria for periodicity are obtained in terms of the homology groups of cyclic branched covers of S3 and the Alexander polynomial. Also the relationship between the genus of a periodic knot and the Alexander polynomial is studied. As an application it is shown that no eleven crossing knot has a period greater than 5.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M25
Received: 13 August 1992
Revised: 5 May 1993
Accepted: 14 June 1993
Published: 1 December 1994
Swatee Naik
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Nevada
Reno NV 89557
United States