Vol. 167, No. 1, 1995

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The nonhomogeneous minimal surface equation involving a measure

William Karl Ziemer

Vol. 167 (1995), No. 1, 183–200

We find existence of a minimum in BV for the variational problem associated with div A(Du) + μ = 0, where A is a mean curvature type operator and μ a nonnegative measure satisfying a suitable growth condition. We then show a local L estimate for the minimum. A similar local L estimate is shown for sub-solutions that are Sobolev rather than BV .

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 35J60
Secondary: 35D99, 49Q05, 58E12
Received: 13 August 1992
Revised: 13 January 1993
Published: 1 January 1995
William Karl Ziemer