Vol. 168, No. 1, 1995

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The Lp theory of standard homomorphisms

Fereidoun Ghahramani and Sandy Grabiner

Vol. 168 (1995), No. 1, 49–60

Suppose that ϕ : L1(ω1) L1(ω2) is a continuous nonzero homomorphism between weighted convolution algebras on R+, and let ϕ also designate the extension of this map to the corresponding measure algebras M(ω1) and M(ω2). For 1 < p < , we prove: (a) the semigroup μt = ϕ(δt) acts as a strongly continuous semigroup on Lp(ω2); (b) Whenever L1(ω1) f is dense in L1(ω1), then Lp(ω2) ϕ(f) is dense in Lp(ω2); (c) Each h in Lp(ω2) can be factored as h = ϕ(f) g; (d) ϕ is continuous from the strong operator topology of M(ω1) acting on L1(ω1) to the strong operator topology of M(ω2) acting on Lp(ω2).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A22
Secondary: 43A15
Received: 21 September 1992
Revised: 21 March 1993
Published: 1 March 1995
Fereidoun Ghahramani
Sandy Grabiner