Vol. 168, No. 1, 1995

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Metrics for singular analytic spaces

Caroline Galt Grant and Pierre Milman

Vol. 168 (1995), No. 1, 61–156

Recent work of Saper, Zucker, and others indicates that Kähler metrics with appropriate growth rates on the nonsingular set of a compact Kähler variety are useful in describing the geometry of such a variety. It has been conjectured that for every complex algebraic variety X there exists a Kähler metric on the nonsingular set of X whose L2-cohomology is isomorphic to the intersection cohomology of X. Saper proved this conjecture for varieties with isolated singularities, using a complete Kähler metric. Similar results have been obtained by others using incomplete metrics. We give natural and explicit constructions of three types of Kähler metrics on the nonsingular set X Xsing of a subvariety X of a compact Kähler manifold. No restrictions on the type of singularities of X are assumed. Similar constructions can be done for nonembedded compact Kähler varieties. The first metric is Hodge if X is algebraic but is not complete on X Xsing if X is singular. The completion of X Xsing under this metric is a desingularization of X. The second metric is complete and generalizes Saper’s metric for varieties with isolated singularities. Moreover each incomplete metric of the first type is naturally associated with a complete metric of the second type. The third metric is a sum of the first two and has Poincaré-type growth near the singular locus of X.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32J25
Secondary: 32C17, 53C55
Received: 24 September 1992
Published: 1 March 1995
Caroline Galt Grant
Pierre Milman
Departament of Mathematics
University of Toronto
Downtown Toronto (University of Toronto / Harbord) ON M5S 2E4