Vol. 168, No. 2, 1995

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Weighted Hadamard products of holomorphic functions in the ball

Jacob Burbea and Song-Ying Li

Vol. 168 (1995), No. 2, 235–270

Weighted Hadamard products of holomorphic functions in the unit ball B of n are studied, and are used to establish multiplier theorems for spaces of such functions on B. An interesting feature of such a product of two holomorphic functions f and g on B is that it is holomorphic on the unit polydisk Un. Moreover, if, in addition, f belongs to the Hardy space H1(B) and g belongs to the Bloch space (B), then the non-weighted Hadamard product of f and g belongs to BMOA(Un), the space of holomorphic functions in Un with bounded mean oscillation on the tours (∂U)n. Refinements of this result, as well as new charaterizations of spaces of multipliers of holomorphic functions in B, are also established.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32A37
Secondary: 32A05, 32A35
Received: 18 August 1992
Published: 1 April 1995
Jacob Burbea
Song-Ying Li
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Irvine CA
United States