Vol. 168, No. 2, 1995

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A differentiable structure for a bundle of C-algebras associated with a dynamical system

Moto O’uchi

Vol. 168 (1995), No. 2, 291–311

Let (M,G) be a differentiable dynamical system, and σ be a transverse action for (M,G). We have a differentiable bundle (B,π,M,C) of C-algebras with respect to a flat family σ of local coordinate systems and we have a flat connection in B. If G is connected, the bundle B is a disjoint union of ρx(Cr(𝒢)) (x M), where 𝒢 is the groupoid associated with (M,G) and ρx is the regular representation of Cr(𝒢). We show that, for f Cc(𝒢), a cross section cs(f) : xρx(f) is differentiable with respect to the norm topology, and calculate a covariant derivative (cs(f)). Though B is homeomorphic to the trivial bundle, the differentiable structure for B is not trivial in general. Let Bσ be a subbundle of B generated by elements f with the property (cs(f)) = 0. We show the triviality of the differentiable structure for Bσ induced from that for B when Cr(𝒢) is simple. We have a bundle RM(B) of right multiplier algebras and it contains B a s a subbundle. Let (M,G) be a Kronecker dynamical system and σ be a flow whose slope is rational. In this case, we have a subbundle D of RM(B) whose fibers are - isomorphic to C(𝕋). The flat connection r in D is not trivial and the bundle B decomposes into the trivial bundle Bσ and the non-trivial bundle D. Moreover, for a σ-invariant closed connected submanifold N of M with dimN = 1, we show that Cr(𝒢|N) is -isomorphic to Cr(Dx,Φx), where Φx is the holonomy group of r with reference point x. If G is not connected, we also have sufficiently many differentiable cross sections of B and calculate their covariant derivatives.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L55
Secondary: 58B30
Received: 20 August 1992
Revised: 22 July 1993
Published: 1 April 1995
Moto O’uchi