Vol. 168, No. 2, 1995

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Fourier coefficients of an orthogonal Eisenstein series

Jerry Michael Shurman

Vol. 168 (1995), No. 2, 345–381

This paper defines a nonholomorphic Eisenstein series for a totally real algebraic number field F and the special orthogonal group with respect to a bilinear form S = ( T         )
(     0   − 1)
− 1  0 , where T Mn(F) and its embedded images Tv Mn() under archimedean places v of F have signature (1,n 1). This group has an associated product of tube domains a = Πvav, the product taken over archimedean places of F and each v n. The series is denoted E(z,s;k,ψ,b) or simply E(z,s), with z ∈ℋa, s a complex parameter, k the weight, ψ a Hecke character on the ideles of F, and the level b an integral ideal in F. E has the Fourier expansion

                     ∑            ∑
E (z,s) = (− 1)dk2d(k+2s)    a(h,y,s)e(   Tv(xv,hv)),
h∈L′         v∈a

where d = [F : ], Lis the lattice dual to oFn under T, e(x) = e2πix, and z = (xv + iyv)va ∈ℋa. The Fourier coefficient a(h,y,s) is the product (Nd)n
2aa(h,y,s)af(h,s) with Nd the norm of the different of F over . The archimedean factor is aa(h,y,s) = Πvaξ(yv,hv;k + s,s;Tv) with ξ a certain confluent hypergeometric function studied by Shimura. The nonarchimedean factor af(h,s) is essentially a product and quotient of Hecke L-functions, depending on the parity of n and the nature of h. Specializing to s = 0 gives holomorphic and in special cases nearly holomorphic behavior.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11F30
Secondary: 11F37, 11F55
Received: 29 June 1992
Published: 1 April 1995
Jerry Michael Shurman