Vol. 169, No. 1, 1995

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Diagonalizing Hilbert cusp forms

Timothy Atwill

Vol. 169 (1995), No. 1, 33–49

We develop an operator Cq𝒬) on the space 𝒮k(𝒩,Ψ) of Hilbert cuspforms as an alternative to the Hecke operator Tq for primes q dividing 𝒩. For f ∈𝒮k(𝒩,Ψ) a newform, we have fCq𝒬) = fTq. We are able to decompose the space 𝒮k(𝒩,Ψ) into a direct sum of common eigenspaces of {Tp,Cq𝒬) : p 𝒩,q𝒩}, each of dimension one. Each common eigenspace is spanned by an element with the property that its eigenvalue with respect to Tp (resp. Cq𝒬)) is its p-th (resp q-th) Fourier coefficient. We finish by deriving bounds for the eigenvalues of Cq𝒬).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11F25
Secondary: 11F11, 11F41
Received: 16 November 1992
Revised: 10 January 1993
Published: 1 May 1995
Timothy Atwill