With a singular space K
there is associated a differential graded module of polynomial differential forms
ITp∗,∗(K) together with a filtration ITp∗,q(K) ⊂ ITp∗,q+1(K) in each degree ∗.
ITp∗,q(K) is a graded module over the subring of the rationale Qq= Z,,…,.
These modules are defined for any stratified pseudomanifold K and for any perversity
p. It is proved that the cohomology of such a differential module ITp∗,q(K) is
isomorphic to the intersection cohomology IHp∗(K;Qq). The construction of
ITp∗,∗(K) is based on the deRham complex of Cenkl and Porter when applied to a
desingularization of K.