Vol. 170, No. 1, 1995

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The corestriction of valued division algebras over Henselian fields. II

Yoon Sung Hwang

Vol. 170 (1995), No. 1, 83–103

When L∕F is a tame extension of Henselian fields (i.e. char(F) [L : F]), we analyze the underlying division algebra cD of the corestriction corL∕F(D) of a tame division algebra D over L with respect to the unique valuations of cD and D extending the valuations on F and L. We show that the value group of cD lies in the value group of D and for the center of residue division algebra, Z(cD) ⊆𝒩(Z(D)F)1∕k, where 𝒩(Z(D)F) is the normal closure of Z(D) over F and k is an integer depending on which roots of unity lie in F and L.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 12E15
Secondary: 12J10, 16K20
Received: 10 November 1992
Revised: 8 April 1993
Published: 1 September 1995
Yoon Sung Hwang