Vol. 170, No. 2, 1995

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Smooth decomposition of finite multiplicity monomial representations for a class of completely solvable homogeneous spaces

Bradley Currey

Vol. 170 (1995), No. 2, 429–460

Given a finite multiplicity monomial representation τ of a completely solvable Lie group G, a smooth decomposition of τ is a concrete direct integral decomposition into irreducibles parametrized by a manifold Σ, with the property that compactly-supported elements of τ are mapped to smooth sections on Σ by the intertwining operator. A natural way of constructing such a decomposition is by means of the distribution-theoretic Plancherel formula for τ and a cross- section Σ for coadjoint orbits. However, for irreducible representations πl, l Σ, the determination of appropriate distributions βl ∈ℋl−∞ is problematic. For the case where τ is induced from a “Levi” component, we overcome these problems and give an explicit and natural construction for a smooth decomposition. In the process we show that in this situation the nilradical of G must be two-step.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E27
Received: 19 April 1993
Revised: 4 April 1994
Published: 1 October 1995
Bradley Currey