Vol. 170, No. 2, 1995

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On proper surjections with locally trivial Leray sheaves

Robert Jay Daverman and David Fred Snyder

Vol. 170 (1995), No. 2, 461–471

Let f : X Y be a closed proper surjection whose Leray sheaves are locally constant through a given dimension k. Spectral sequences are used to analyze the cohomological connectivity and manifold properties of Y . Generally, when Y has dimension at most k, it is a cohomology k -manifold over a given principal ideal domain R if and only if Hq(X,X f1y;R) is isomorphic to HomR(Hqk(f1y;R),R) for every y Y and q k. As a result, if X is an orientable (n + k)-manifold, each f1y has the shape of a closed, connected, orientable n- manifold, and Y is finite dimensional, then Y is a generalized k-manifold. Euler characteristic relationships involving X, Y , and the typical fiber f1y are derived in case the Leray sheaves of f are locally constant in all dimensions and the range has cohomologically finite type.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57P99
Secondary: 54B40, 54C55, 55N30
Received: 1 February 1993
Revised: 8 September 1993
Published: 1 October 1995
Robert Jay Daverman
David Fred Snyder