By splitting the real
line into intervals of unit length a doubly infinite integral of the form
∫−∞∞F(qx)dx,0 < q < 1, can clearly be expressed as ∫01∑n=−∞∞F(qx+n)dx,
provided F satisfies the appropriate conditions. This simple idea is used to prove
Ramanujan’s integral analogues of his 1ψ1 sum and give a new proof of Askey
and Roy’s extention of it. Integral analogues of the well-poised 2ψ2 sum as
well as the very-well-poised 6ψ6 sum are also found in a straightforward
manner. An extension to a very-well-poised and balanced 8ψ8 series is also
given. A direct proof of a recent q-beta integral of Ismail and Masson is