Vol. 170, No. 2, 1995

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Strong approximate transitivity, polynomial growth, and spread out random walks on locally compact groups

Wojciech Jaworski

Vol. 170 (1995), No. 2, 517–533

We extend to continuous groups our recent results on strongly approximately transitive group actions. We are concerned with locally compact second countable groups and standard Borel G-spaces. A G-space 𝒳 with a σ-finite quasiinvariant measure α is called strongly approximately transitive (SAT) if there exists a probability measure ν α such for every Borel set A with α(A)0 and every 𝜀 > 0 one can find g G with ν(gA) > 1 𝜀. Examples of SAT G-spaces include boundaries of spread out random walks on G. We prove that when G is compactly generated and has polynomial growth then every standard SAT G-space (𝒳) is necessarily purely atomic; when G is additionally connected, (𝒳) is a singleton. The Choquet-Deny theorem for spread out random walks on G follows as a corollary. For a connected G we establish the equivalence of the following conditions: (a) G has polynomial growth; (b) every standard SAT G-space is a singleton; (c) every SAT homogeneous space of G is a singleton; (d) every homogeneous space of G admits a σ-finite invariant measure; (e) the Choquet-Deny theorem holds for every spread out probability measure on G; (f) the Choquet-Deny theorem holds for every absolutely continuous compactly supported probability measure on G.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A05
Secondary: 22D99
Received: 12 January 1993
Published: 1 October 1995
Wojciech Jaworski