Vol. 170, No. 2, 1995

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Equisingularity theory for plane curves with embedded points

Augusto Nobile

Vol. 170 (1995), No. 2, 543–566

It is studied the foundations of a theory of equisingularity for plane algebroid or complex analytic curves, reduced everywhere except at one point. A definition of equivalence, or equisingularity, for two such curves, involving resolution by means of quadratic transformations is given as well as several definitions of the concept of equisingular one-parameter family of such singularities are proposed. The theory is related to both the theory of equisingularity for plane, reduced curves and that for ideals with finite support. The different notions of equisingularity for families are compared and a number of examples are presented.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14H20
Secondary: 14H45
Received: 15 January 1993
Published: 1 October 1995
Augusto Nobile