Vol. 171, No. 1, 1995

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Partitions, vertex operator constructions and multi-component KP equations

Maarten Bergvelt and A. P. E. ten Kroode

Vol. 171 (1995), No. 1, 23–88

For every partition of a positive integer n in k parts and every point of an infinite Grassmannian we obtain a solution of the k component differential-difference KP hierarchy and a corresponding Baker function. A partition of n also determines a vertex operator construction of the fundamental representations of the infinite matrix algebra gl and hence a τ function. We use these fundamental representations to study the Gauss decomposition in the infinite matrix group Gl and to express the Baker function in terms of τ-functions. The reduction to loop algebras is discussed.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58F07
Secondary: 17B65, 35Q53
Received: 19 February 1993
Revised: 27 September 1993
Published: 1 November 1995
Maarten Bergvelt
A. P. E. ten Kroode