Vol. 171, No. 1, 1995

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The invariant connection of a 1 2-pinched Anosov diffeomorphism and rigidity

Renato Feres

Vol. 171 (1995), No. 1, 139–155

Let f be a C Anosov diffeomorphism of a compact manifold M, preserving a smooth measure. If f satisfies the 1
2- pinching assumption defined below, it must preserve a continuous affine connection for which the leaves of the Anosov foliations are totally geodesic, geodesically complete, and flat (its tangential curvature is defined along individual leaves). If this connection, which is the unique f-invariant affine connection on M, is Cr-differentiable, r 2, then f is conjugate via a Cr+2-affine diffeomorphism to a hyperbolic automorphism of a geodesically complete flat manifold. If f preserves a smooth symplectic form, has C3 Anosov foliations, and satisfies the 2 : 1-nonresonance condition (an assumption that is weaker than pinching), then f is C conjugate to a hyperbolic automorphism of a complete flat manifold. (In the symplectic case, the invariant connection is the one previously defined by Kanai in the context of geodesic flows.) If the foliations are C2 and the holonomy pseudo-groups satisfy a certain growth condition, the same conclusion holds.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58F15
Secondary: 53C20, 58F17
Received: 25 February 1993
Published: 1 November 1995
Renato Feres
Department of Mathematics
Washington University in Saint Louis
Campus Box 1146
Cupples I, Room 17
Saint Louis MO 63130
United States