Vol. 171, No. 1, 1995

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The inverse Riemann mapping theorem for relative circle domains

Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm

Vol. 171 (1995), No. 1, 157–165

A subdomain Ω contained in a domain A in the Riemann sphere is called a relative circle domain in A if each component of A Ω is either a closed disk or a point. Let Ω be a relative circle domain in the unit disk U in the complex plane ; and let A be a simply connected proper subdomain of . Then Ω is conformally homeomorphic to a relative circle domain in A.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30C35
Secondary: 30C20, 52C15
Received: 3 November 1992
Revised: 23 September 1994
Published: 1 November 1995
Zheng-Xu He
Oded Schramm
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond WA 98052
United States