Vol. 171, No. 2, 1995

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Minimal surfaces with catenoid ends

Jorgen Berglund and Wayne Rossman

Vol. 171 (1995), No. 2, 353–371

A substantive part of the recent activity in the field of minimal surface theory has been the construction of new complete minimal surfaces immersed in 3. One approach in constructing new examples is to increase the genus of known minimal surfaces. In this paper, we do precisely this for certain minimal surfaces of finite total curvature whose ends are asymptotic to catenoids. We prove existence of surfaces of positive genus based on those in genus zero, with the feature that these higher genus examples maintain all the symmetry of their genus-zero counterparts. In these proofs we use the conjugate minimal surface construction and the maximum principle for minimal surfaces.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53A10
Received: 19 April 1993
Revised: 25 October 1993
Published: 1 December 1995
Jorgen Berglund
Wayne Rossman