Vol. 172, No. 2, 1996

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On normality of the closure of a generic torus orbit in G∕P

Romuald Dabrowski

Vol. 172 (1996), No. 2, 321–330

In this paper we consider generic orbits for the action of a maximal torus T in a connected semisimple algebraic group G on the generalized flag variety G∕P, where P is a parabolic subgroup of G containing T. The union of all generic T-orbits is an open dense (possibly proper, if P is not a Borel subgroup) subset of the intersection of the big cells in G∕P. We prove that the closure of a generic T-orbit in G∕P is a normal equivariant T-embedding (whose fan we explicitely describe). Moreover, the closures of any two generic T-orbits are isomorphic as equivariant T-embeddings.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14L30
Secondary: 14M15, 14M25
Received: 25 September 1993
Revised: 16 February 1994
Published: 1 February 1996
Romuald Dabrowski