Vol. 173, No. 1, 1996

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On the odd primary cohomology of higher projective planes

Mark Foskey and Michael David Slack

Vol. 173 (1996), No. 1, 77–92

Let X be an n-fold loop space. Working with an auxiliary space PpnX analogous to the projective plane P2X, we show that the existence of certain Steenrod connections in H(PpnX;Fp) (p odd) implies the vanishing of certain corresponding Dyer-Lashof operations in H(X;Fp), and vice versa.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55P35
Secondary: 55P47, 55S10, 55S12
Received: 27 September 1993
Published: 1 March 1996
Mark Foskey
Michael David Slack