An equivalence relation is
defined on the set of recurring sequences with given cubic characteristic polynomial
f(X) = (X − 𝜃1)2(X − 𝜃2) ∈ ℤ[X] so that sequences in a class share the same
maximal prime divisors. The set G(f) of equivalence classes is shown to form a group
structure by exhibiting an isomorphism φ between G(f) and the Laxton group
G(f1), where f1(X) = (X −𝜃1)(X −𝜃2) is the squarefree part of f(X). The map φ
has the additional property that the maximal prime divisors of a 𝒰∈ G(f) are the
prime divisors of φ(𝒰) ∈ G(f1).
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11B37
Secondary: 11N64
Received: 12 November 1993
Published: 1 April 1996
Christian Jean-Claude
Department of Mathematics
Universite de Caen
14032 Caen