Vol. 173, No. 2, 1996

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Approximation by normal elements with finite spectra in Cāˆ—-algebras of real rank zero

Huaxin Lin

Vol. 173 (1996), No. 2, 443ā€“489

We study the problem when a normal element in a C-algebra of real rank zero can be approximated by normal elements with finite spectra. We show that all purely infinite simple C-algebras, irrational rotation algebras and some types of C-algebras of inductive limit of the form C(X) Mn of real rank zero have the property weak (FN), i.e., a normal element x can be approximated by normal elements with finite spectra if and only if Γ(x) = 0 (λ x Inv 0(A) for all λsp(x)). For general C-algebras with real rank zero, we show that a normal element x with dimsp(x) 1 can be approximated by normal elements with finite spectra if and only if Γ(x) = 0. One immediate application is that if A is a simple C-algebra with real rank zero which is an inductive limit of C-algebras of form C(Xn) Mm(n), where each Xn is a compact subset of the plane, then A is an AF-algebra if and only if K1(A) = 0.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L05
Secondary: 46L80
Received: 20 August 1993
Revised: 25 July 1994
Published: 1 April 1996
Huaxin Lin
Department of Mathematics
University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97405
United States