We study the problem when
a normal element in a C∗-algebra of real rank zero can be approximated by normal
elements with finite spectra. We show that all purely infinite simple C∗-algebras,
irrational rotation algebras and some types of C∗-algebras of inductive limit of the
form C(X) ⊗ Mn of real rank zero have the property weak (FN), i.e., a normal
element x can be approximated by normal elements with finite spectra if and only if
Γ(x) = 0 (λ − x ∈Inv0(A)for all λ∉sp(x)). For general C∗-algebras with real
rank zero, we show that a normal element x with dimsp(x) ≤ 1 can be approximated
by normal elements with finite spectra if and only if Γ(x) = 0. One immediate
application is that if A is a simple C∗-algebra with real rank zero which is
an inductive limit of C∗-algebras of form C(Xn) ⊗ Mm(n), where each Xn
is a compact subset of the plane, then A is an AF-algebra if and only if
K1(A) = 0.