Vol. 174, No. 1, 1996

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Linear combinations of logarithmic derivatives of entire functions with applications to differential equations

Joseph B. Miles and John Rossi

Vol. 174 (1996), No. 1, 195–214

Let F1,F2,,FL be entire functions of finite order and let c1,c2,,cL be complex numbers whose convex hull does not contain 0. A lower bound in terms of the counting functions of the zeros of the Fjs is obtained for

|   cjrei𝜃F′j(rei𝜃)∕Fj(rei𝜃)|

valid for r in a set of positive logarithmic density and 𝜃 in a set Ur [0,2π] of fixed positive measure. This bound is used to extend a result of Bank and Langley concerning the exponent of convergence of the zero sequences of solutions of certain linear differential equations with entire coefficients.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30D35
Secondary: 34A20
Received: 4 August 1993
Revised: 23 November 1993
Published: 1 May 1996
Joseph B. Miles
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1409 West Green Street
Urbana IL 61801
United States
John Rossi
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg VA 24061
United States