Vol. 174, No. 1, 1996

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Factorization problems in the invertible group of a homogeneous Cāˆ—-algebra

N. Christopher Phillips

Vol. 174 (1996), No. 1, 215ā€“246

Let X be a compact metric space of dimension d. In previous work, we have shown that for all sufficiently large n, every element of the identity component U0(C(X) Mn) of the unitary group U(C(X) Mn) is a product of at most 4 exponentials of skewadjoint elements. On the other hand, if X is a manifold then some elements of U0(C(X) Mn) require at least about d∕n2 exponentials. Similar qualitative behavior (with different bounds: 5 and d∕(2n2)) holds for the problem of factoring elements of the identity component inv 0(C(X) Mn) of the invertible group as products of exponentials of arbitrary elements of the algebra. In this paper, we identify the sets of finite products of 10 other types of elements of inv 0(C(X) Mn), and we show that the minimum lengths of factorizations have the same qualitative behavior as the two exponential factorization problems above (after a suitable minor modification in 3 of the 10 cases). We obtain upper bounds for large n that range from 5 to 22, and lower bounds approximately of the form rd∕n2 with r ranging from 1/16 to 2. The classes of elements we consider all make sense in general unital C-algebras. They are: unipotents, positive invertibles, selfadjoint invertibles, symmetries, -symmetries, commutators of elements of inv 0(A) and U0(A), accretive elements, accretive unitaries, and positive-stable elements (real part of spectrum positive). The last three classes are the ones requiring the slight modification; without it, lengths of factorization behave like exponential length rather than exponential rank.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L35
Secondary: 46L05
Received: 14 September 1993
Revised: 5 April 1995
Published: 1 May 1996
N. Christopher Phillips
Department of Mathematics
University of Oregon
Eugene OR
United States