We consider the tensor
product representation of m copies of the natural representation with n copies of its
dual representation for both the general linear group GL(r, ℂ) and the quantum
group Uq(gℓ(r, ℂ)). These tensor spaces determine rational representations of GLr
and 𝒰q(gℓ(r, ℂ)). The centralizer algebras of these representations are, respectively,
the complex algebra ℬm,nr, which is a subalgebra of the Brauer algebra Bm+nr,
and the algebra Hm,nr(q) over the field of complex rational functions with
indeterminate q, which is a generalization of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. Upon
setting q = 1, the algebra Hm,nr(q) specializes to ℬm,nr. The algebra ℬm,nr
contains as a subalgebra the group algebra ℂ[Sm × Sn] of the product of
two symmetric groups, and the algebra Hm,nr(q) contains as a subalgebra
the tensor product Hm(q) ⊗ Hn(q) of two Iwahori-Hecke algebras. In each
centralizer, we find a distinguished basis and define an analog of conjugacy class.
We then exploit Schur’s double centralizer theory to derive a “Frobenius
formula” which we use to compute their irreducible characters in terms of
symmetric group characters and Iwahori-Hecke algebra characters. In the process,
we obtain branching rules that give the decomposition of ℬm,nr-modules
into irreducible ℂ[Sm × Sn]-modules and Hm,nr(q)-modules into irreducible
Hm(q) ⊗ Hn(q)-modules.