Vol. 175, No. 1, 1996

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Virtual diagonals and n-amenability for Banach algebras

Alan L. T. Paterson

Vol. 175 (1996), No. 1, 161–185

We develop higher dimensional amenability for Banach algebras from the viewpoint of Banach homology theory. In particular, we show that such amenability is equivalent to the flatness of a certain bimodule and a resultant splitting module map gives rise to the higher dimensional virtual diagonals of Effros and Kishimoto. The theory is developed for the non-unital case. Examples of n-amenability are given and it is shown (among other results) that a 2-amenable Banach algebra is amenable if and only if there exists an inner 2-virtual diagonal.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46M20
Secondary: 46H05
Received: 17 January 1994
Revised: 1 February 1995
Published: 1 September 1996
Alan L. T. Paterson
Department of Mathematics
University of Mississippi
University MS 38677-1848
United States