Vol. 175, No. 2, 1996

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Ramanujan’s master theorem for symmetric cones

Hongming Ding, Kenneth I. Gross and Donald Richards

Vol. 175 (1996), No. 2, 447–490

The Master Theorem of Ramanujan (1913), so named because of its centrality in much of Ramanujan’s work on definite integrals, hypergeometric functions, and series expansions, relates coefficients in the Taylor’s expansion of a function to the Mellin transform of the function over the interval (0,). In this paper we extend the setting of this classical theorem to apply to spherical series and spherical transforms on symmetric cones (also known as domains of positivity). To illustrate the range of applications of this theorem we obtain higher dimensional analogues of Carlson’s uniqueness theorem for holomorphic functions, Newton’s interpolation formula, and Mellin-Barnes integrals for certain hypergeometric functions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A90
Secondary: 17C50, 33C50
Received: 15 February 1994
Published: 1 October 1996
Hongming Ding
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
St. Louis University
220 N. Grand Blvd.
Ritter Hall 216
St. Louis MO 63103
United States
Kenneth I. Gross
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Vermont
16 Colchester Avenue
Burlington VT 05401
United States
Donald Richards
Department of Statistics
Penn State University
326 Thomas Building
University Park
PA 16802
United States