Vol. 176, No. 1, 1996

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Hadamard-Frankel type theorems for manifolds with partially positive curvature

Katsuei Kenmotsu and Changyu Xia

Vol. 176 (1996), No. 1, 129–139

In this paper we prove some theorems that two minimal submanifolds satisfying a condition for the dimensions of the submanifolds in a Riemannian manifolds with partially positive curvature or a Kaehler manifold with partially positive holomorphic sectional curvature must intersect. Our results show that the famous Frankel theorem about intersections of minimal submanifolds in a manifold with positive curvature is generalized to the very wide class of manifolds with partially positive curvature.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53C21
Secondary: 53C20
Received: 26 May 1994
Published: 1 November 1996
Katsuei Kenmotsu
Mathematical Institute
Tohoku University
Sendai 980-77
Changyu Xia
Department of Mathematics
University of Brasilia
Department of Mathematics
UnB, Asa Norte
70910-900 Brasilia-