Consider a bounded capillary
surface defined on a two-dimensional region Ω that has a corner point at O, with
opening angle 2α. If the contact angle is bounded away from 0 and π, then the radial
limits exist as O is approached from any direction in Ω. If the contact angle
approaches limiting values as O is approached along each portion of the boundary,
then there exist “fans” of directions adjacent to the two tangent directions at O in
which the radial limits are constant. Other properties of the radial limit function are
given and these results are used to show continuity of the solution up to O
under certain conditions. For a convex corner, the solution is continuous up
to O when the limiting angles γ0+, γ0− satisfy |π − γ0+− γ0−| < 2α and
2α + |γ0+− γ0−|≤ π.