Vol. 176, No. 1, 1996

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Triangle subgroups of hyperbolic tetrahedral groups

Colin Maclachlan

Vol. 176 (1996), No. 1, 195–203

It is known that there are nine compact tetrahedra in three-dimensional hyperbolic space for which the group of isometries generated by reflections in the faces is discrete. The subgroup of orientation-perserving isometries in such a group will be called a tetrahedral Kleinian group. Exactly eight such Γ are arithmetic and also a complete list of the finitely many arithmetic Fuchsian triangle groups G is known. In this paper, we determine for which pairs of groups (G,Γ) as above, with one possible exception, one can embed G into Γ. We find that there are many such pairs, contrasting with the single pair (G,Γ) which is known to arise when, instead of arithmeticity, the condition that G be realised as the subgroup of elements of Γ which centralise a reflection in one of the faces of the associated tetrahedron, is imposed.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20H15
Secondary: 51F15, 57M50
Received: 13 July 1994
Revised: 8 June 1995
Published: 1 November 1996
Colin Maclachlan
School of Natural & Computing Sciences
Aberdeen University
Fraser Noble Building, Room 148
United Kingdom