Vol. 176, No. 2, 1996

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Differential Galois groups of confluent generalized hypergeometric equations: an approach using Stokes multipliers

Claudine Mitschi

Vol. 176 (1996), No. 2, 365–405

We explicitly compute the differential Galois groups of some families of generalized confluent hypergeometric equations by a method based on the asymptotic analysis of their irregular singularity at infinity. We obtain the Galois group directly from a particular set of topological generators. These are formal and analytic invariants of the equation, reflecting the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions. Our calculations yield classical groups as well as as the exceptional group G2.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 12H05
Secondary: 33C20
Received: 18 October 1994
Published: 1 December 1996
Claudine Mitschi
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée
Université de Strasbourg
7, rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex