Vol. 176, No. 2, 1996

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Applications of loop groups and standard modules to Jacobians and theta functions of isospectral curves

Willi Schwarz

Vol. 176 (1996), No. 2, 463–506

Let L(z) be an element of Mn([z,z1]). In this work we study the structure of isospectral curves given by f(z,λ) = 0, f(z,λ) = det(L(z) λ), their Jacobians and the relationship between standard modules and the corresponding theta functions. We assume that f(z,λ) is irreducible and nonsingular for f(z,λ) = 0 and z .

The element L(z) will be called good, if the centralizers C±(L) of L(z) in Mn([z]) (resp. Mn([z1])) are the integral closure of [z,zpL] (resp. Mn([z1,zqL])) in Mn([z,z1]). The class of curves we analyze include nonsingular curves and the isospectral curve of the periodic Toda lattice. The latter curve is represented by a “tridiagonal” matrix L(z).

The Jacobian variety is expressed as a quotient of certain centralizers of L(z) which are computed in a completion Mn(Aw) of Mn([z,z1]). If we assume further that L(z) is an element of SLn([z,z1]) then the basic module of the universal central extension SLn(Aw) of SLn(Aw) is employed to define a function Θ. This function Θ is defined in terms of representative functions on the “Lie theoretic” Jacobian and satisfies the functional equation of theta functions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58F07
Secondary: 14H40, 22E67
Received: 6 January 1994
Revised: 15 April 1994
Published: 1 December 1996
Willi Schwarz
Im Hirschmorgen 14
69 181 Leimen
D Heidelberg