Vol. 176, No. 2, 1996

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Imbedding and multiplier theorems for discrete Littlewood-Paley spaces

Igor E. Verbitsky

Vol. 176 (1996), No. 2, 529–556

We prove imbedding and multiplier theorems for discrete Littlewood–Paley spaces introduced by M. Frazier and B. Jawerth in their theory of wavelet-type decompositions of Triebel–Lizorkin spaces. The corresponding inequalities for discrete spaces defined in terms of characteristic functions of dyadic cubes, with respect to an arbitrary positive locally finite measure on the Euclidean space, are useful in the theory of tent spaces, weighted inequalities, duality theorems, interpolation by analytic and harmonic functions, etc. Our main tools are vector-valued maximal inequalities, a dyadic version of the Carleson measure theorem, and Pisier’s factorization lemma. We also consider more general inequalities, with an arbitrary family of measurable functions in place of characteristic functions of dyadic cubes, which occur in the factorization theory of operators.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 42C99
Received: 26 January 1995
Revised: 20 November 1995
Published: 1 December 1996
Igor E. Verbitsky
Department of Mathematics
University of Missouri
102 Mathematical Sciences Building
Columbia MO 65211
United States