Vol. 177, No. 1, 1997

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Geodesic flows on hyperbolic orbifolds, and universal orbifolds

María Teresa Lozano and José María Montesinos-Amilibia

Vol. 177 (1997), No. 1, 109–147

The geodesic flow of a compact hyperbolic 2-orbifold is described. It is a flow in a 3-manifold which is Anosov out of a finite number of orbits. We study this class of flows (singular Anosov flows) and prove the existence of singular Anosov flows on every 3-manifold.

Received: 25 July 1993
Revised: 1 August 1994
Published: 1 January 1997
María Teresa Lozano
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza 50009
José María Montesinos-Amilibia
Departamento de Geometría y Topología
Facultad de Matemáticas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Madrid 28040