Vol. 178, No. 1, 1997

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A geometric criterion for Gelfand pairs associated with the Heisenberg group

Chal Benson, Joe Jenkins, Ronald L. Lipsman and Gail Ratcliff

Vol. 178 (1997), No. 1, 1–36

Let K be a closed subgroup of U(n) acting on the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group Hn by automorphisms. One calls (K,Hn) a Gelfand pair when the integrable K-invariant functions on Hn form a commutative algebra under convolution. We prove that this is the case if and only if the coadjoint orbits for G := K Hn which meet the annihilator k of the Lie algebra f of K do so in single K-orbits. Equivalently, the representation of K on the polynomial algebra over n is multiplicity free if and only if the moment map from n to k is one-to-one on K-orbits.

It is also natural to conjecture that the spectrum of the quasi-regular representation of G on L2(G∕K) corresponds precisely to the integral coadjoint orbits that meet k. We prove that the representations occurring in the quasi-regular representation are all given by integral coadjoint orbits that meet k. Such orbits can, however, also give rise to representations that do not appear in L2(G∕K).

Received: 15 May 1994
Revised: 10 December 1994
Published: 1 March 1997
Chal Benson
Univ of Missouri-St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63121
Joe Jenkins
SUNY at Albany
Albany, NY 12222
Ronald L. Lipsman
Univ of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Gail Ratcliff
Univ of Missouri-St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63121