The fixed point set of
a piecewise linear (PL) map h : P × I → P is the set of points where h
coincides with the projection π : P × I → P; it is denoted by Fix(h) and is a
subpolyhedron of P ×I. When P is a compact polyhedron, we show how to deform h
(with appropriate control) to a new PL map h′ so that Fix(h′) is as nice
as possible. Indeed it is not hard to arrange that Fix(h′) have dimension
≤ 1 (Theorem A), but one would wish for a map h′ such that Fix(h′) is a
manifold of dimension ≤ 1. This is achieved in Theorem B. If P is a PL
manifold, Theorem B reduces to a standard PL transversality theorem (Theorem