Vol. 178, No. 2, 1997

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Mathematical instantons with maximal order jumping lines

A. Prabhakar Rao

Vol. 178 (1997), No. 2, 331–344

A mathematical instanton bundle on P3 (over an algebraically closed field) is a rank two vector bundle on P3 with c1 = 0 and with H0() = H1((2)) = 0. Let c2() = n. Then n > 0. A jumping line of of order a, (a > 0), is a line in P3 on which splits as 𝒪(a) ⊕𝒪(a). It is easy to see that the jumping lines of all have order n. We will say that has a maximal order jumping line if it has a jumping line of order n. Our goal is to show that such an is unobstructed in the moduli space of stable rank two bundles, i.e., H2(ℰ⊗ℰ) = 0. The technique can be slightly extended. We show that when c2 = 5, any with a jumping line of order 4 is unobstructed. We describe at the end how mathematical instantons with maximal order jumping lines arise and estimate the dimension of this particular smooth locus of bundles.

Received: 1 August 1995
Revised: 7 June 1996
Published: 1 April 1997
A. Prabhakar Rao
University of Missouri
St. Louis, MO 63121-4499