Let M be a compact
complex manifold of real dimension m = 2m with a Hermitian metric. Let
an(x,Δp,q) be the heat equation asymptotics of the complex Laplacian Δp,q. Then
) ∼ Σn=0∞t(n−m)∕2 ∫
Mfan(x,Δp,q) for any f ∈ C∞(M); the an vanish
for n odd. Let ag(M) be the arithmetic genus and let an(x,∂) := Σq(−1)qan(x,Δ0,q)
be the supertrace of the heat equation asymptotics. Then ∫
Man(x,∂)dx = 0 if n≠m
while ∫
Mam(x,∂)dx = ag(M). The Todd polynomial Tdm is the integrand of the
Riemann Roch Hirzebruch formula. If the metric on M is Kaehler, then the local
index theorem holds:
In this note, we show Equation (1) fails if the metric on M is not