Vol. 180, No. 1, 1997

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Constructing essential laminations in 2-bridge knot surgered 3-manifolds

Ramin Naimi

Vol. 180 (1997), No. 1, 153–186

A nontrivial knot that can be drawn with only two relative maxima in the vertical direction is called a 2-bridge knot, and one that can be drawn on a torus is called a torus knot. Loosely speaking, a lamination in a manifold M is a foliation of M, except that it can have a nonempty open complement in M, and very loosely speaking, the lamination is essential if each leaf of it L is incompressible, i.e. inclusion of L into M induces an injective homomorphism from π1(L) into π1(M). Our main result is:

Theorem 2. Every 3-manifold obtained by surgery on a non-torus 2-bridge knot admits essential laminations.

Some immediate corollaries are that these manifolds are covered by R3, and have infinite fundamental group. So Property P is true for non-torus 2-bridge knots, i.e. surgery on these knots never yields a homotopy 3-sphere, or a counterexample to the Poincare conjecture. We use general techniques which are not specific to 2-bridge knots to find and explicitly construct these laminations.

Received: 31 May 1994
Published: 1 September 1997
Ramin Naimi
16220 Dorilee Ln.
Encino, CA 91436