Vol. 180, No. 1, 1997

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A question of Stark

Brett A. Tangedal

Vol. 180 (1997), No. 1, 187–199

One of the programs of Stark’s conjectures is to find as many connections as possible between the values that Artin L–functions or their derivatives take (especially at s = 0) and arithmetic information associated to algebraic number fields. The most refined of Stark’s conjectures involves the values of first derivatives of L–functions at s = 0. It was recognized early on that the conjecture should be extended to cover cases where the order of vanishing of the L–functions at s = 0 is greater than one. In 1980, Stark posed a question along these lines that we will consider in detail here. In particular, we will study his question for relative quadratic extensions and prove that an affirmative answer to his question exists for all cases considered.

Received: 30 August 1995
Published: 1 September 1997
Brett A. Tangedal
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC 29424-0001