Vol. 182, No. 1, 1998

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Möbius invariant Qp spaces associated with the Green’s function on the unit ball of Cn

Caiheng Ouyang, Weisheng Yang and Ruhan Zhao

Vol. 182 (1998), No. 1, 69–99

In this paper, function spaces Qp(B) and Qp,0(B), associated with the Green’s function, are defined and studied for the unit ball B of Cn. We prove that Qp(B) and Qp,0(B) are Möbius invariant Banach spaces and that Qp(B) = Bloch(B),Qp,0(B) = 0(B) (the little Bloch space) when 1 < p < n∕(n1),Q1 = BMOA(∂B) and Q1,0(B) = VMOA(∂B). This fact makes it possible for us to deal with BMOA and Bloch space in the same way. And we give necessary and sufficient conditions on boundedness (and compactness) of the Hankel operator with antiholomorphic symbols relative to Qp(B) (and Qp,0(B)). Moreover, other properties about the above spaces and |φz(w)|z(w) Aut(B), are obtained.

Received: 18 April 1996
Published: 1 January 1998
Caiheng Ouyang
Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wuhan 430071
Weisheng Yang
Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wuhan 430071
Ruhan Zhao
Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wuhan 430071