Vol. 182, No. 1, 1998

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Estimates on scattered waves

Michael E. Taylor

Vol. 182 (1998), No. 1, 101–112

We derive estimates on solutions u(k,x) to a scattering problem with variable index of refraction in three space dimensions. To be precise, suppose n(x) C(3) is positive and n(x) = 1 for |x|≥ R. We want to estimate solutions u(k,x) to

()              (Δ + k2n(x)2)u = 0,  u = eikx⋅ω + us,

where us satisfies the radiation condition. Here, k denotes the frequency. There are two mechanisms that can make u(k,x) large. One is the presence of trapped rays. In this work we assume there are no trapped rays. The other mechanism is the focusing of waves, i.e., the formation of caustics. Our primary goal here is to estimate the effect of this mechanism, without making any hypothesis on the geometrical nature of whatever caustics might arise. We show that

()                     ∥u(k,⋅)∥L∞(ℝ3) ≤ C⟨k⟩,

where k= (1 + k2)12.

Received: 12 June 1996
Published: 1 January 1998
Michael E. Taylor
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill NC 27599