Vol. 183, No. 1, 1998

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Rank 2 vector bundles on higher dimensional projective manifolds

E. Ballico

Vol. 183 (1998), No. 1, 21–24

Fix a smooth complex projective n-fold X, n 5, with H1(X,𝒪X) = 0. Then there is a smooth projective n-fold Y birational to X and H Pic(Y ), H ample, with the following property. For any d Z let M(Y,2,𝒪,d,H) be the moduli scheme of H-stable rank 2 vector bundles, E, on Y with det(E)𝒪Y and c2(E) Hn2 = d. Let m(Y,2,𝒪,d,H) be the number of its irreducible components. Then limsupd→∞m(Y,2,𝒪,d, H) = +.

Received: 15 August 1996
Published: 1 March 1998
E. Ballico
University of Trento
38050 Povo (TN)